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5 Reasons why you should be using timelapse on your construction project

  • Avoid bumps in the road.

Timelapse is a great way to see the progress of your project and keep track of how much has been done over time. It’s also extremely useful when presenting to clients, as you can show them exactly what you have done, how close you are to completion, and how long it will take for all the work on their project to be completed. This can make them feel more confident in choosing you as their contractor or developer because they’re able to see exactly what they’re getting into with this investment by seeing all the hard work that has gone into it already!

  • Reduce cost and time to your project.
  • Timelapse videos are great for showing progress on your projects, especially when you’re limited on time and resources.
  • Timelapse can be used to show progress of a project in a visual way.
  • Construction timelapse can be used to appease the major shareholders.

Timelapse video is a great way of promoting your company services, especially if you work in the construction industry and need to show customers that your team is working hard behind the scenes.

  • On-site monitoring.

On-site monitoring is another way that timelapse can help to keep your client engaged and up-to-date on the project. The client can keep an eye on the construction project from anywhere, at any time of day or night and see how it’s progressing. This can also be helpful if they need to get in touch with you about an issue with their building as they may not be able to come in person due to distance or other commitments.

  • Keep everyone on board and stay on schedule.
  • Timelapse can help you keep everyone on board and stay on schedule.
  • Construction Timelapse can remotely show progress even when there are setbacks.
  • Timelapse can help you show the construction client the bigger picture, especially with multiple locations and projects running simultaneously.
  • Timelapse can also help you visualize the smaller details, like a specific section of your building or project that needs to be addressed immediately due to structural damage or something else that may need immediate attention

Promote your project.

  • Timelapsing your construction project can be a great way to showcase what you can do, how quickly you can complete the work and highlights the quality of your workmanship. It’s also an opportunity for you to promote the benefits of your products or services, as well as their value. This could help attract investors and potential customers alike – particularly if they’re looking at similar projects in their own area!
  • Timelapse has many benefits for construction projects, but it can also be a great tool to promote your business, attract investment and showcase the talent of your workforce.
  • Timelapse can be a great way to promote your business. When you have a good project, and use timelapse properly, you can use this footage for all kinds of things. You might even wish to include it in your formal internal marketing plans. Timelapse is now becoming popular as an artistic technique that is being used by many professional photographers and videographers worldwide so if you want to stand out from the crowd then this is one way that could help you do just that!
  • Timelapse is also very useful when it comes to attracting investment into construction projects as investors love seeing what their money has been put towards and this gives them an idea of what they can expect if they choose not only invest but also continue working with us throughout their project’s lifecycle ensuring everything goes smoothly resulting in better client satisfaction ratings which ultimately leads onto greater success rates overall.”


There are many benefits to using timelapse on your construction project, but it can also be a great tool to promote your business, attract investment and showcase the talent of your workforce. Whether you’re looking for an easy way to keep an eye on progress at all times or want to promote how great your company is at what they do, timelapse is an amazing tool that will help you achieve all of these things and more!